15 years on the market of Kazakhstan

On July 21, 2023, BSK Security LLP celebrated its anniversary - 15 years in the market of Kazakhstan!

The first to congratulate the company was the head of the BDO holding, Talgat Abilkhairovich Omarov, with whose light hand BSK Security LLP started in 2008. “15 years is a solid period for Kazakhstan, speaking about the sustainable development and prosperity of the enterprise,” he emphasized in his speech.

General Director of the company, Bedran Nimrudovich Danilov, summing up the fruitful work in the Republic of Kazakhstan, noted that 15 years of stable growth in difficult economic conditions is primarily an indicator of the close-knit work of the BSK Security LLP team - a real team of associates acting like a well-oiled clockwork. During the festive evening, the first steps of the company on the market and the “historical” stages in the development of the company were repeatedly recalled with humor.

Since 2008, BSK Security LLP has made a significant contribution to the security of a number of enterprises and important strategic facilities in the Republic of Kazakhstan, such as the airports of Almaty, Astana, Atyrau and Aktau, various embassies, RSE "Directorate of Administrative Buildings of the Administration of the President and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan", KSE "Metropolitan Almaty", State Institution "National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan", State Institution "Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and many others.

Today, BSK Security LLP is a supplier of X-ray television installations for screening bulky cargo, luggage and hand luggage, scanning portals for detecting any substances, materials and products hidden in clothing or under clothing on the human body, detectors for detecting traces of explosives and narcotic substances , other security systems, a wide range of purposes and capabilities. In addition, BSK Security LLP installs equipment, provides warranty and after-sales service, and trains users.

The event was held in a picturesque corner of the northern foothills of the Zailiysky Alatau, in the restaurant "Bellagio". In a friendly atmosphere with numerous competitions, drawings and quizzes, congratulations, dances and small performances, the time flew by.

At the end of the evening, all employees of BSK Security LLP were awarded certificates, memorable gifts and cash prizes.